Our office is more than happy to visit with your children to teach proper brushing, healthy eating habits and acquaint children with what they may expect when visiting their dentist.
We offer two programs:
1. School Visit:
Doctor Elbaz and members of our staff are happy to visit your school or day care. We bring many items to show the groups to intoduce them what to expect when visiting the dental office. Our staff talk with the children about how they can have healthy teeth and strong, healthy bodies.
School programs are catered to the specific age group and personalized for each setting visited. Each child is given a goody bag with toothbrush, toothpaste, activities and other items to take home.
2. Office Tour:
Children are welcome to visit our office as a “field trip.” Have your pictures taken in a dental chair, learn about “dental tools” and healthy brushing and eating habits.
If you have questions about our school programs or would like to schedule a school visit or field trip, please call our office, (516) 547-1997.